3rd Qtr. 2024 NYCentral Modeler Is Ready For You To Enjoy

Latest Edition of the NYCentral Modeler

(3rd Qtr. 2024)

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The cover photo for this quarter’s edition is from Ira Heisler’sB&A In N-Scale.” Noel Widdifield continues with his “If It Doesn’t Run, Make It Look Good Standing Still, Part 2.” Doug Chapman debuts with his first article on the “2024 RPM Schedule.” Tom Gerbracht tells us about “The Final Touch – Earl’s Oil.” Stan Madyda shares “Building the TrainMaster LLC Track Structures Kit.” Robert vonBehr tells us about “An Old School Modeler Meets Modern Technology.” NYCentral Modeler editor Noel Widdifield returns with “The 2024 NYCSHS Convention.” And you also get all of the regular features including “NYCentral Modeler’s Tool Shop” with Brian Marotta, “NYCSHS RPO,” “Extra Board,” “What’s New,” and “The Observation Car.” All in the July 2024 edition

If you haven’t been reading this NYCSHS magazine, you have been missing out on a lot of NYCS action.  Each edition contains five to seven articles covering different scales of NYCS modeling, a section reviewing all new NYCS models being offered by manufacturers for the quarter, letters and emails from members and readers, the latest news on models being offered by the NYCSHS at 20% discounts, and a variety of other information about modeling and happenings at the NYCSHS.

The magazine is free, and all you need to do to read or download it is go to the NYCSHS website. To do that, go to www.NYCSHS.org. Then put your curser on the “Modeling Resources” button and drop down to the “NYCentral Modeler” tab.  Then just follow the instruction on the page.   ENJOY!!

3rd Qtr. 2024 Edition

Click Here To Read

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And Don’t Forget the New NYCentral Modeler 2011 – 2022
Flash Drive

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11 Years of NYCS Modeling
All in Digital Format
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